具体来说,“美洲杯级”赛船(Class Americas)对船长、船重,帆的尺寸、制造材料(碳素钢)等等方面都做出了严格限制。它使得赛船拥有更多的运帆空间、更轻的船体,但同时要求船骨入水更深,从而保证了船的稳定性能不打折扣。目前“美洲杯级”赛船船重更轻,速度更快,使美洲杯帆船赛竞争更加激烈。
Land Rover BAR - the British challengeheaded by Olympic legend Ben Ainslie - has won the Louis Vuitton America's CupWorld Series with a first place finish at the ultimate event in Japan thisweekend.
Ainslie's team sailed extremely well tosecure the overall title with a race to spare. With the overall series win,Land Rover BAR earns two bonus points for the next stage of the America's Cup(see below).
ORACLE TEAM USA and skipper Jimmy Spithillpushed hard, finishing ahead of BAR in the first race of the day, but Ainsliewas able to sail with controlled aggression to a 4, 2, 3 scoreline, and intothe overall series win.
"This has been a goal for us for thewhole season and for this event. The guys have done an incredible job,"Ainslie said from the water following the second race of the day.
"For us as a new team it sends out astrong message for all our supporters that we can do it."
For the Louis Vuitton America's Cup WorldSeries Fukuoka, it came down to a tie-break with Land Rover BAR clawing into atie with Artemis Racing in the final contest, and taking the regatta by virtueof a better result in the last race.
But with attention shifting to Bermuda andthe America's Cup racing next year, the focus was on the overall title andbonus points it confers.
By taking first place on the overall LouisVuitton America's Cup World Series leaderboard, Land Rover BAR has collectedtwo bonus points to carry forward into next year's Louis Vuitton America's CupQualifiers in Bermuda.
With a second place finish on the overallleaderboard, ORACLE TEAM USA secured one bonus point for the Louis VuittonAmerica's Cup Qualifiers next year.
Selected quotes from the skippers:
Sir Ben Ainslie, Skipper, Land Rover BAR: “It’s been an incredible day of racing and for our team, Land Rover BAR, to come out on top here in Fukuoka, Japan in the final race of the series, and to win the Louis Vuitton America’s Cup World Series, that was our goal and to achieve that is special for us. We are a completely new team, two and a half years ago we were a blank sheet back in Portsmouth in the UK and now, for our designers, our shore team and everyone back in the UK, it’s a real boost, so now we set our sights on Bermuda for the America’s Cup."
Jimmy Spithill, Skipper, ORACLE TEAM USA: “"We wanted the points. We would have loved to have taken the two points, but one thing we weren't going to let happen was to have Emirates Team New Zealand take our point off us. So we ended up in a bit of match race with them at the end and the boys did a great job to keep them behind us."
棕泉资本管理(RIC Capital Management),创立于2009年的一个亚洲的资本管理公司和家族投资管理办公室,主要以股权(移动互联,体育文化和健康产业等领域),并购重组和高收益策略为主的多元化投资平台,专注投资于亚洲,美国和欧洲。已经通过中国证券投资基金协会私募投资基金管理人登记备案,团队来自国内外教育背景,具有从业资格和相应金融行业资格的成员。目前已经投资了近30个项目,已经成功挂牌/上市的企业已达8家。